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Refund credited to account

1.When can I get a refund:

1.Before Fyoubuy purchases from the seller: We will fully refund your payment within 24 hours.

2.After Fyoubuy purchases from the seller: If we discover quantity, style, or serious quality issues with the goods when they arrive at the Fyoubuy warehouse, we will contact you about returning and refunding the items.

Return service fee: For return requests made due to your own reasons, Fyoubuy will charge you a service fee and actual return shipping costs. The return shipping cost is based on actual factors, including the size and weight of the goods and the location of the seller.

How to deduct return costs: For return requests made due to your own reasons, the original domestic shipping cost (charged by the seller for sending the goods) and the purchasing service fee will not be refunded. The return service fee, including the service fee and return shipping cost, will be deducted from the cost of the purchased goods. If the cost of the purchased goods is insufficient to cover the return service fee, Fyoubuy will reject your return request.

How to apply for a return service?

1.Contact Fyoubuy’s service to check if your item is eligible for a return;

2.For eligible goods, Fyoubuy will help you change the status of the goods to “problem” and request a return from the seller;

3.Wait for the seller to process the return request. It usually takes 1-5 days;

4.The seller approves our return request, and then Fyoubuy will help you contact the local shipping company to claim the goods and complete the return shipping information for the seller;

5.Wait for the seller to receive the goods and refund us. It usually takes 1-7 days.

6.Fyoubuy receives the seller’s refund and returns the money to your online balance.



2.How long will it take for Fyoubuy to refund me?

The refund process will be credited to your refund account from the day you click the “refund” button. Before purchasing, refunds need to be completed within 24 hours. After purchasing, if the seller claims to be out of stock, refunds may take approximately 3-7 days, depending on when the seller returns the money to Fyoubuy. For goods that have arrived but failed inspection, refunds may take about 2 weeks, with one week for the return and approximately one week for the seller to process the refund request.



3.How long is the withdrawal valid for?

Fyoubuy takes 3 working days to complete a withdrawal, excluding weekends. A fee of 5% will be charged for the withdrawal.